How to Prepare for the TGT Exam


Do you want to clear the Tier 1 of the Civil Services Examination? If yes, then you should be ready to face the exam. The exam will be tough and it will test your knowledge in many fields.

The examination is conducted by UPSC and the exam consists of 4 sections namely General Studies, Current Affairs, English Language and Reasoning and Quantitative Ability.

To be successful in the exam, you need to be well prepared for the exam. There are several things that you need to know before the exam.

Here are the top 8 things that you should know:

1. Study Time

If you are a student then you should study for at least 7 hours per day.

2. Practice

Practice is the most important thing that you need to do before the exam. Practice will help you to get rid of the fear and anxiety.

3. Study Material

Study material is the most important thing for the exam. You need to read the previous years question paper so that you can get an idea of the topics and the format of the exam.

4. Know the Syllabus

Know the syllabus is one of the most important things that you need to do before the exam. You need to know the topic that you are going to cover in the exam and you also need to know the weightage of each topic.

5. Know the Important Topics

You need to know the important topics that you will cover in the exam. You need to know what the exam is all about.

6. Read Newspaper

Reading the newspaper is the easiest way to get updated about the current affairs.

7. Check Your Knowledge

Check your knowledge about the topics that you will cover in the exam. If you have any doubt, then you should ask your friends and relatives.

8. Prepare for the Interview

Prepare for the interview as it will help you to get a better job in the future. You can do this by practicing the interview skills.


These were the top 8 things that you need to know before the exam. If you are the student, then you need to follow these tips and I am sure that you will get a good result in the exam.

