Meesho: The Future of Shopping?


Meesho is a new social media platform that is shaking up the e-commerce industry. With Meesho, users can start their own online stores and sell products without carrying any inventory. And because the platform is built on social media, it's easy for users to promote their products to a wide audience. So, could Meesho be the future of shopping? Let's take a closer look.

In recent years, there has been a shift away from traditional shopping methods like brick-and-mortar stores and catalogs. Instead, more and more people are doing their shopping online. This trend has been driven by the convenience and ease of online shopping, as well as the wider selection of goods that are available online. But there are some downsides to online shopping, too. For example, it can be difficult to find good deals, and return policies are often not as generous as they are for in-person purchases.

But what if there was a way to combine the best of both worlds? That's where Meesho comes in. Meesho is a new social media platform that is shaking up the e-commerce industry. With Meesho, users can start their own online stores and sell products without carrying any inventory. And because the platform is built on social media, it's easy for users to promote their products to a wide audience. So, could Meesho be the future of shopping? Let's take a closer look.

How Meesho Works?

Meesho is basically like a cross between Etsy and Instagram. Users can set up an account and start selling products without ever having to worry about stocking inventory or fulfilling orders. And because the platform is built on social media, it's easy for users to reach a wide audience with their products. When someone makes a purchase through Meesho, the seller simply contacts the supplier and arranges for shipping directly to the customer. So, what are the benefits of using Meesho?

For sellers, Meesho offers a number of advantages over traditional e-commerce platforms like Amazon or eBay. First of all, there are no listing fees or commission fees charged by Meesho. This means that sellers keep more of the profits from each sale. Additionally, because Meesho is built on social media, it's easy for sellers to reach a large audience with their products. And finally, because sellers never have to carry any inventory or fulfill orders themselves, it's a very low-risk way to start an online business. 

For buyers, Meesho offers some advantages over traditional shopping methods like brick-and-mortar stores or even other online platforms like Amazon. Firstly, because Meesho connects buyers directly with sellers/suppliers, prices are often lower than you'll find on other platforms. Additionally, because you're buying directly from the seller/supplier, you can usually get your questions answered more quickly and easily than you would be able to with a large company like Amazon. Finally, returns are also usually easier with Meesho since you're dealing directly with the seller/supplier rather than going through a third party like Amazon Prime." 


Meesho is definitely an interesting new player in the e-commerce space. And while it remains to be seen whether or not it will unseat established players like Amazon or eBay, it's definitely worth keeping an eye on. For sellers, Meesho offers some clear advantages in terms of fees and ease of use. And for buyers, Meesho offers lower prices and easier returns."
