MP Panchayat Darpan – An Initiative for Inclusive Development

Madhya Pradesh is a state located in central India. The state has been facing many developmental issues and lags behind in various human development indices when compared to other states in the country. There has been a continuous and concerted effort from the government to bridge this gap and bring about all-inclusive development in the state. Towards this end, the MP government has initiated many schemes and projects. One such scheme is the MP Panchayat Darpan

MP Panchayat Darpan is an e-governance project that was launched by the Madhya Pradesh government in 2013-14. The objective of this project is to provide better, more efficient, and transparent services to the citizens of the state by making use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This project aims to empower the panchayats through e-governance so as to enable them to play a proactive role in planning, implementing, and monitoring development schemes at the grassroots level. 

This project has three main components, namely, the development of a website for each panchayat, the setting up of Common Service Centers (CSCs) in each panchayat, and the establishment of a state-level data center. The website developed under this scheme provides information on various schemes and services offered by the government, contact details of government officials, etc. It also acts as a platform for people to lodge their grievances/complaints which will be addressed by the concerned authorities in a timely manner. The CSCs have been set up with the aim to provide convenient access to ICT services for rural citizens. The state-level data center collects, stores, and disseminates information related to various development indices at the village/panchayat level which would be useful for planning and monitoring purposes. 

This initiative from the MP government is a step in the right direction as it seeks to bridge the gap between urban and rural areas with regard to access to information and public services. Digital inclusion of rural populations will go a long way in empowering them and making them active participants in the process of development. 


In recent years, there has been an increased focus on bridging the urban-rural divide with regard to various developmental indicators. The MP Panchayat Darpan is one such initiative which aims at empowering rural populations by providing them with better access to information and public services. This is a welcome move as it would go a long way in ensuring inclusive development in the state of Madhya Pradesh.
