How Does WPC15 Work?

WPC15 is a technology that allows you to heat your home using the power of the sun. It’s a “plug and play” system that anyone can install, and it’s the most efficient way to heat your home. 

How does WPC15 work?

WPC15 works by absorbing the sun's energy with a special panel and then converting that energy into heat. The heat is then transferred to a water tank, where it's stored until you need it. When you want to use the heat, simply circulate the water through your home's heating system. It's that easy!

The Benefits of WPC15

There are many benefits to using WPC15, including: 

  • Save money on your heating bill 
  • Reduce your carbon footprint 
  • Get paid for the solar energy you produce (if you live in a state with solar incentives) 
  •  Help the environment 


If you're looking for an efficient and cost-effective way to heat your home, look no further than WPC15. This "plug and play" system is easy for anyone to install, and it will help you save money on your heating bill while reducing your carbon footprint. What's not to love?
