Is Igtools Safe To Use?


Igtools is a website that allows you to generate fake Instagram likes, comments, and followers. While it may be tempting to use a service like this to boost your Instagram profile, you should know that there are risks involved. In this blog post, we'll take a look at some of the risks associated with using Igtools and whether or not the service is safe to use.

Risks Of Using Igtools

There are several risks associated with using Igtools or any other service that generates fake likes, comments, and followers. First and foremost, using these services can get your Instagram account banned. Instagram has strict policies against using third-party services to artificially inflate your engagement, and if they catch you doing it, they will ban your account. 

Furthermore, even if you don't get banned by Instagram, using Igtools can still damage your reputation. Think about it—if people realize that you're using a fake follower service, they're going to think less of you. They'll see you as someone who is trying to cheat the system instead of someone who is building a genuine following. In other words, using Igtools could do more harm than good to your reputation. 

So Is Igtools Safe To Use?

As you can see, there are quite a few risks associated with using Igtools. We would not recommend using this service or any other fake follower service. If you're looking to boost your Instagram engagement in a safe and effective way, we suggest posting high-quality content on a regular basis and interacting with your followers regularly. These organic methods may take longer to produce results, but they're well worth the effort in the long run.


In conclusion, we would not recommend using Igtools or any other fake follower service. While it may be tempting to use these services to boost your engagement quickly, the risks simply aren't worth it. If you're looking to build a genuine following on Instagram, stick to organic methods like posting high-quality content and interacting with your followers regularly.

